
ENWW Index 211
RAM. See memory
Ready light 16
recovery, jam 174
recycled paper 155
recycling supplies 192
refilling paper 36
refilling staples
3,000-sheet stacker/stapler 61
multifunction finisher 64
refresh rate page, embedded Web server 143
registration, tray 75, 171
releasing jobs
private 81
proof and hold 84
stored 82
removing software 26
repeating defects, troubleshooting 130
print cartridges 95
printer maintenance kit 92
configuration page 146
event log 151
font lists 149
JetDirect page 150
menu map 145
printing 144, 166
supplies status page 147
usage page 148
viewing from embedded Web server 142
Resets menu 179
resetting printer maintenance count 92
resolution 7
Resolution Enhancement technology (REt) 7, 172
resolution settings 172
resource saving 189
restoring default settings 179
resuming printing 16
REt (Resolution Enhancement technology) 7, 172
Retrieve job menu 166
review copies, printing 83
right door
clearing jams 99
jam locations 98
locating 14
RIP ONCE technology 9
RIP Once technology 7
rollers, included in maintenance kit 13
saddle stitching 66
saving settings 74
scan buffer errors 126
Search tab shortcut keys 196
embedded Web server settings 143
lock 87
settings 179
status, configuration page 146
Web sites, settings 177
Security Disk Erase 86
serial number
cartridges 147
disk accessory 149
printer 146
Service menu 180
Set Registration 75, 171
configuration page 146
control panel, changing 16
driver 21
image quality 171
overriding 74
restoring defaults 179
saving 74
shared printers, troubleshooting 137
sharing, Windows 24
short edge binding, settings 169
shortcuts, help 195, 201
sizes, paper
error messages 124
selecting trays by 79
supported 157
skewed pages, troubleshooting 131
Sleep mode
Energy Star compliance 191
power consumption 163
settings 173
DIMM 181, 182
Installed Personalities and Options 146
locating 14
slow printing, troubleshooting 136, 139
small paper mode 172
smeared toner, troubleshooting 130
Soft Gloss Paper 154
CD-ROM, contents 18
features 18
installing on Macintosh 25
installing on Windows 23
Macintosh 22
network 27
settings, overriding 74
troubleshooting 135
uninstalling 26
special media, printing on 36, 70
acoustical 164
card stock 162
envelopes 161
environmental 164
labels 161
paper 156, 160
power 163
transparencies 161
specks, troubleshooting 95, 129
data transmission settings 175
network settings 179
pages per minute 7
print 164
processor 7
resolution settings 172
troubleshooting 136, 139
bins 55
capacity 8
features 60
lights, status 17
locating 14
paper sizes supported 158
part number 11
selecting output location 56