
Overview 2-3
User Assistance The control panel provides various forms of online user
The ? button provides an explanation of the current function,
with some guidance for what to do next.
The ATTN (Attention) key blinks on the control panel when the
printer detects an error condition, potential error condition, or
when you make a change that suggests recalibration or other
action to ensure best print quality. There are two types of ATTN
Actions — the printer has detected an error condition that
stopped printing or will prevent printing from starting. You
must correct the error before the printer will be ready to
print. When the printer senses that the error condition has
been addressed, the Action will be deleted the next time the
ATTN key is pressed.
Warnings — the printer has detected a condition that, if left
unaddressed, could result in substandard prints or a condi-
tion that will require an action before printing can continue.
Any action on your part is optional, printing is not inter-
rupted for a Warning message.
When the printer issues one of these messages, the ATTN key
will blink, and an alert beep will sound (unless disabled, see
page 2-13). Press the ATTN key to display a list of message titles,
and select a title to display a detailed cause-and-recovery screen.
If you choose to not correct a Warning condition and resume
printing, the ATTN key will remain displayed, but will not blink
until the printer issues a new Warning or Action message. The
messages can be dismissed by correcting the condition, or by
pressing the applicable key on the detail screen.
See page 2-13 for instructions for choosing an Expert
or Novice mode for displaying these messages
(Expert mode routes most messages to the Actions &
Warnings menu), and for disabling or enabling the
audible alarm. See the table beginning on page B-8
for a list of errors and recovery procedures.