
166 Chapter4
Hewlett-Packard Support and Information Services
Hewlett Packard computers are engineered for quality and reliability to
give you many years of trouble-free service. To ensure that your desktop
system maintains its reliability and to keep you up-to-date with the
latest developments, HP and a worldwide network of trained and
authorized resellers provide a comprehensive range of service and
support options which are listed below:
HP-Authorized Reseller
HP Support Assistant CD-ROM
HP Information Services
HP Support Services
Technical phone support
Lifeline phone support
Network phone-in support
NOTE When calling any of the international telephone numbers listed in this
chapter, replace the ‘+’ with your international telephone access code.
Table 4-1 HP Information Services
Service Means of Access
HP Forum on CompuServe Modem
HP Forum on America Online (US only) Modem
HP World Wide Web Site World Wide Web Access
HP Drivers/BIOS diskettes Delivered by mail