Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 39
From the directory that contains all five files, run ./SetupRA -s -f DevManRA.ini to install
If the .ini file is not located in the same folder as the SetuprRA file, run ./SetupRA -s -f
<path> DevManRA.ini, where <path> is the DevManRA.ini file location.
The following command line parameters can be specified and are applicable for both interactive and
silent modes.
Parameter Function
Performs a silent install.
Creates an installation log
(opt/DevMan/install.log). Default is disabled for
interactive mode and enabled for silent mode. The
installation log is created automatically for
Windows® during silent installations in
-f DevManRA.ini
Specifies a configuration .ini file used for clean
installs. When this option is specified, the device
detection and configuration step is omitted.
Reconfiguring the agent on HP-UX operating systems
To reconfigure the management module IP address or serial path, run /sbin/init.d/DevMan setup.
Uninstalling components from Windows® systems
1. Click Start>Settings>Control Panel.
2. Open Add/Remove Programs.
3. Select UPS Power Protection Agent, and then click Change/Remove.
The uninstall wizard launches.
Select Remove Choice, and then click Next.
4. Follow the prompts in the uninstall wizard to uninstall the software.
NOTE: Some files might remain following the uninstallation and can be removed manually.
Uninstalling components from Linux systems
Execute the uninstall script (./Uninstall).
NOTE: Some files might remain following the uninstallation and can be removed manually.
Uninstalling components from HP-UX systems
Execute the uninstall script (./Uninstall).