Chapter 3. Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array to v3.020
The management appliance returns to the Maintenance page.
Click Devices in the tool bar.
The Devices page displays.
Figure 3.33. Storage Management Appliance software—Devices page
Verify that a command view eva entryexistsontheDevicespage.
Does an entry exist?
•Yes.GotoVerifying the Command View EVA version.
• No. Return to st
ep 4 to repeat the installation.
Installing Command View EVA from a local disk on the Storage Manage m e nt Appliance
To install Command View EVA from the local disk, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that the SWP file is in the C:\Compaq\SWPInstallKits directory.
To place the SWP file in the C:\Compaq\SWPInstallKits directory, perform the
following steps:
a. Copy the Command_View_EVA_V3_2.swp file to a network share accessible from
the Storage Management Appliance.
b. Open a Microsoft Terminal Services session to connect and log in to the Storage
Management Appliance.
If a Terminal Servi ces session is not available, then temporarily connect a monitor, mouse,
and keyboard to the Storage Management Appliance to complete this procedure.
c. From the Storage Management Appliance, connect to the network share that
contains the file copied in step a of this procedure.
d. Copy the Command_View_EVA_V3_2.swp file to the following Storage Management
Appliance directory: C:\Compaq\SWPInstallKits
hp Stor ageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array Updating Product
Software Instructions