Welcome 15
Wired home network
First-time wired network installation requires that you:
1 Purchase high-speed Internet service from an Internet service provider (ISP).
2 Purchase a broadband modem (DSL or cable). This may be provided by the ISP.
3 Purchase and install a wired router (sold separately), if one is required.
4 Connect the DSL cable (shown) or coaxial cable (not shown) from the wall to the modem.
5 Connect the modem to the computer Ethernet port with an Ethernet cable. If you want to connect
multiple devices to the network, connect a router or hub (not shown) to the modem with an Ethernet
cable, and then connect the computer to the router with an Ethernet cable.
If you have a wired network in your home with Ethernet connectors in the wall, connect directly from
your computer Ethernet port to the Ethernet wall connector with an Ethernet cable.
The Ethernet port on the HP TouchSmart PC is located on the back of the computer, behind the
connector cover.
6 Add other computers or devices to your wired network:
a Disconnect power from the broadband modem and the router, and then shut down your
HP TouchSmart PC and the computers you want to add to your network.
b For each wired computer, connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the LAN connector on the
computer, and then connect the other end of the cable to any available Ethernet connector on
the router.
c Reconnect power to the modem, and wait until the modem has completed its startup cycle.
Reconnect power to the router. Then, turn on the wired computers and your HP TouchSmart PC.
d Test the network connection for each wired computer by opening your Web browser and
accessing any Web site.
NOTE: Broadband modem and router installation procedures vary, depending on the manufacturer.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.