can see and restore the backed up data. You can make data visible to other users
using the Data Protector Public option. For instructions, see the Data Protector
online Help.
Users and user groups
To use Data Protector, you must be added to the Data Protector configuration as a
Data Protector user with certain privileges. Note that adding a new user is not a
prerequisite for backing up the system this user is using.
Users are grouped into user groups with specific user rights, for example, to monitor
sessions in the cell, configure backups, and restore files.
Predefined user groups
To simplify the configuration of your backup, Data Protector provides predefined
user groups with specific rights to access Data Protector functionality. For example,
only members of the admin user group can access all Data Protector functionality.
Operators can, by default, start and monitor backups.
In small environments, only one person is required to perform all backup tasks. This
person must be a member of the Data Protector admin user group. In this case, there is
no need to add other users to the Data Protector configuration.
Depending on your environment, you may decide to use the default Data Protector
user groups, modify them, or create new ones.
Default administrators
During installation, the following users are automatically added to the Data Protector
admin user group:
• UNIX root user on the UNIX Cell Manager system
• User installing Data Protector on the Windows Cell Manager system
This allows them to configure and use the complete Data Protector functionality. For
more information, see the online Help index: “user groups, admin“.
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