• Events are created by firmware or the OS and are stored in either or both of the SEL and
forward progress event logs.
• The iLO 3 MP displays the SEL event logs.
Event log usage
To consult the event logs:
1. Connect to the system console.
2. Enter Ctrl–B to access the MP Main Menu.
3. To view event logs, enter the sl command:
[kauai20c] MFG! hpiLO-> sl
Event Log Viewer Menu:
Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry
E - System Event 206 40 % 04 Dec 2009 20:30:31
F - Forward Progress 4096 100 %
I - iLO Event 500 100 % 04 Dec 2009 20:50:57
C - Clear All Logs
L - Live Events
Enter menu item or [Ctrl-B] to Quit:
System Event (E) and Forward Progress (F) logs are useful to determine the context of an error.
iLO 3 MP event logs
The iLO 3 MP provides diagnostic and configuration capabilities. For more information on the iLO
3 MP commands, see the HP Integrity and HP 9000 Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor
Operations Guide To access the MP:
NOTE: The iLO 3 MP must be accessed from a terminal console which has access to the MP.
102 Troubleshooting