Spare part
712921-001 N System board for use in non-Windows 8 models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel Core
i3-3110M processor
712921-501 N System board for use in Windows 8 Standard models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel
Core i3-3110M processor
712921-601 N System board for use in Windows 8 Professional models with UMA graphics and a soldered on
Intel Core i3-3110M processor
712922-001 N System board for use in non-Windows 8 models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel Core
i3-3120M processor
712922-501 N System board for use in Windows 8 Standard models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel
Core i3-3120M processor
712922-601 N System board for use in Windows 8 Professional models with UMA graphics and a soldered on
Intel Core i3-3120M processor
712923-001 N System board for use in non-Windows 8 models with 1 GB of discrete graphics and a soldered on
Intel Core i3-3110M processor
712923-501 N System board for use in Windows 8 Standard models with 1 GB of discrete graphics and a
soldered on Intel Core i3-3110M processor
712923-601 N System board for use in Windows 8 Professional models with 1 GB of discrete graphics and a
soldered on Intel Core i3-3110M processor
712924-001 N System board for use in non-Windows 8 models with 1 GB of discrete graphics and a soldered on
Intel Core i3-3120M processor
712924-501 N System board for use in Windows 8 Standard models with 1 GB of discrete graphics and a
soldered on Intel Core i3-3120M processor
712924-601 N System board for use in Windows 8 Professional models with 1 GB of discrete graphics and a
soldered on Intel Core i3-3120M processor
713162-001 N Intel Celeron 1000M processor, 1.8-GHz processor, 3-MB L3 cache (includes thermal material)
713163-001 N Intel Core i3 processor, 3130M, 2.6-GHz, 3-MB L3 cache (includes thermal material)
713376-001 N Heat sink for use in 4440s/4441s models with discrete graphics and the processor soldered onto
the system board (includes thermal material)
713377-001 N Heat sink for use in 4440s/4441s models with UMA graphics and the processor soldered onto the
system board (includes thermal material)
718475-001 A 500-GB, 7200-rpm hard drive (locked; model 4440s/4441s only)
718658-001 N System board for use in non-Windows 8 models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel Core
i3-3110M processor for use only in Brazil
718658-501 N System board for use in Windows 8 Standard models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel
Core i3-3110M processor for use only in Brazil
718658-601 N System board for use in Windows 8 Professional models with UMA graphics and a soldered on
Intel Core i3-3110M processor for use only in Brazil
718659-001 N System board for use in non-Windows 8 models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel Core
i3-3120M processor for use only in Brazil
718659-501 N System board for use in Windows 8 Standard models with UMA graphics and a soldered on Intel
Core i3-3120M processor for use only in Brazil
48 Chapter 3 Illustrated parts catalog