H P D e s k J e t 6 9 0 C S e r i e s P r i n t e r s S h o r t P r i n t C a r t r i d g e L i f e
Short Print Cartridge Life
There are several causes for short print cartridge life. The information
below shows the average life of a print cartridge and possible causes for a
reduction to its life.
Print Cartridge Life Specifications
Print Cartridge Part Number
5% Density 15% Density
Sealed in its
(Shelf Life)
Black 51629A 650 Pages 18 Months
Color 51649A 350 Pages 18 Months
Photo C1816A or 16A - 250 Pages 18 Months
1. The 51629A print cartridge life is based on a 8 in. x 10 in. printable area with a 5% printing density.
2. The 51649A print cartridge life is based on an 8 in. x 10 in. printable area with a 15% printing
density. The printing consists of 10% composite black and 15% of the following colors: cyan,
magenta, yellow, green, red and blue.
Possible Causes for Short Print Cartridge Life
Cause Reason
Higher coverage rate than
listed in specifications.
The rate of coverage on the page significantly impacts the number
of pages per print cartridge. Heavy concentrations of ink and higher
print quality significantly reduces the number of pages per print
The pages contain
Generally, graphics use ink at a much higher rate than text. If
possible, print drafts of documents without the graphics.
The selected print mode
uses more ink.
Higher quality print modes use more ink than a draft print mode. To
maximize print cartridge life, print drafts of documents in EconoFast
mode, then print the final copies in Best mode.
Print cartridge is past its
expiration date.
Replace the print cartridge. Use a FIFO (First In-First Out) inventory
process to minimize having a stock of expired print cartridges.
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