Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista
The print-ready file can be sent directly to the product by typing a copy command at a command prompt
or in an MS-DOS window.
1. At a command prompt, type copy /b <FILENAME> <PORTNAME>, where <FILENAME> is the
name of the print-ready file (including the path) and <PORTNAME> is the name of the appropriate
printer port (such as LPT1). For example, type the following:
C:\>copy /b c:\CP6015FW.PDF lpt1
2. Press Enter on the keyboard.
NOTE: If the file name or path includes a space, you must enclose the file name or path in
quotation marks. For example, type C:\>copy /b "c:\My Documents\CP6015FW.PDF". The
message PROCESSING JOB appears on the control panel, and the job prints.
3. At the command prompt, type exit to close the command window.
Print-ready file printing in a Windows network
If the product is shared on a Windows network, complete the following steps.
1. From a command prompt or in an MS-DOS window, type copy /b <FILENAME> \
\<COMPUTERNAME>\<SHARENAME>, where <FILENAME> is the name of the print-ready file
(including the path), <COMPUTERNAME> is the name of the computer from which the product is
being shared, and <SHARENAME> is the product share name. For example, type the following:
C:\>copy /b c:\CP6015FW.PDF \\your_server\sharename
NOTE: If the file name or path includes a space, you must enclose the file name or path in
quotation marks. For example, type C:\>copy /b "c:\My Documents\CP6015FW.PDF" \
2. Press Enter on the keyboard. The message PROCESSING JOB appears on the control panel,
and the job prints. The message 1 file(s) copied appears on the computer screen.
Print-ready file printing in UNIX systems
For UNIX systems, any command method that delivers the print-ready file to the product is acceptable,
including the following:
At the command prompt, type cp </home/yourmachine/FILENAME/ dev/parallel>,
where </home/yourmachine/FILENAME> is the location of the print-ready file.
Print-ready file printing by using the LPR command
NOTE: This direct printing method is for use in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003,
and Windows Vista.
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