A mixture of iSCSI and FC port virtual libraries and NAS shares can be configured on the same D2D
appliance to balance performance needs.
Sizing solutions
The following diagram provides a simple sizing guide for the HP D2D Generation 2 product family for backups
and backups and replication.
HP D2D Backup System Gen 2 sizing guide
Daily backup: typical amount of data that can be protected by HP StoreOnce Backup systems
Note: Assumes fully configured product, compression rate of 1.5, data change rate of 1%, data retention period
of 6 months and a 12-hour backup window. Actual performance is dependent upon data set type, compression
levels, number of data streams, number of devices emulated and number of concurrent tasks, such as
housekeeping or replication. Additional time is required for periodic physical tape copy, which would reduce the
amount of data that can be protected in 24 hours.
HP also provides a downloadable tool to assist in the sizing of D2D-based data protection solutions at
Daily Backup – Typical amount of data that can be protected by
StoreOnce Backup systems.
Note: Assumes fully configured product, compression ratio of 1.5, data change rate of 1%, data retention period of 6 months and a 12hr backup window. Actual performance is dependent
upon data set type, compression levels, number of data streams, number of devices emulated and number of concurrent tasks, such as housekeeping or replication. Additional time is
required for periodic physical tape copy, which would reduce the amount of data that can be protected in 24hrs.
This is a guide only, please go www.hp.com/go/storageworks/sizer to more accurately characterize your specific environment.
Daily backup - typical amount of data that can
be backed up AND REPLICATED in 24hrs.
Daily backup - typical amount of data that can
be backed up in 24hrs.
32 TB
20 TB