Solving Image-Quality Problems
Test Pattern 5. Color Variation Pattern Test
This test produces four boxes: black, blue, cyan and yellow. In each box there are
three horizontal bands; the two outer bands are 100% shade, the inner band is
shaded from 100% scaling to 75%.
The purpose of this test is to determine at what percentage the middle shading
becomes visible from the two outer bands. The best way to do this is to cover the
box with a piece of paper and slide the paper horizontally across the box. Stop as
soon as you see a different shade in the middle box. You can then determine the
percentage scaling from the figure at the top of the box.
Problem See: Corrective Action
1 If there is no apparent color
difference in the center box at
the 90% mark, this indicates
that the printhead is producing
incorrect size ink drops.
Example H
a Select Color Calibration to Now.
Example H
Example G