Diagnostics tools 99
Field Description Options
LBA Mode Control Select whether to use the logical block addressing (LBA) scheme
instead of the CHS scheme in specifying the location of data blocks.
Note: When the Type field is set to Auto this field is automatically
detected and is not user-configurable.
32 Bit I/O Select whether to enable 32-bit IDE data transfers. When enabled the
IDE controller can combine two16-bit hard disk reads into a single
32-bit data transfer to the processor. This boosts the performance of
the IDE controller and the PCI bus.
Transfer Mode Select the method for moving data to and from the drive.
Note: When the Type field is set to Auto this field is automatically
detected and is not user-configurable.
Fast PIO 1
Fast PIO 2
Fast PIO 3
Fast PIO 4
FPIO 3 / DMA 1
FPIO 4 / DMA 2
Ultra DMA Mode Select the Ultra DMA (UDMA) mode for moving data to and from the
drive. UDMA speeds up system bootup and access to drive data.
Note: When the Type field is set to Auto this field is automatically
detected and is not user-configurable.
Mode 0
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
Mode 4
Mode 5
USB Configuration submenu
Field Description Options
USB Port Function Select whether to allow the onboard USB controller to
communicate with USB devices. Enable this field if you want to
use the USB ports.