Server software and configuration utilities 71
Automatic Server Recovery
ASR is a feature that causes the system to restart when a catastrophic operating
system error occurs, such as a blue screen, ABEND, or panic. A system fail-safe
timer, the ASR timer, starts when the System Management driver, also known as
the Health Driver, is loaded. When the operating system is functioning properly,
the system periodically resets the timer. However, when the operating system
fails, the timer expires and restarts the server.
ASR increases server availability by restarting the server within a specified time
after a system hang or shutdown. At the same time, the HP SIM console notifies
you by sending a message to a designated pager number that ASR has restarted
the system. You can disable ASR from the HP SIM console or through RBSU.
ROMPaq utility
Flash ROM enables you to upgrade the firmware (BIOS) with system or option
ROMPaq utilities. To upgrade the BIOS, insert a ROMPaq diskette into the
diskette drive and boot the system.
The ROMPaq utility checks the system and provides a choice (if more than one
exists) of available ROM revisions. This procedure is the same for both system
and option ROMPaq utilities.
For more information about the ROMPaq utility, refer to the HP website
System Online ROM Flash Component Utility
The Online ROM Flash Component Utility enables system administrators to
efficiently upgrade system or controller ROM images across a wide range of
servers and array controllers. This tool has the following features:
• Works offline and online
• Supports Microsoft® Windows NT®, Windows® 2000, Windows® Server
2003 and Linux operating systems