A Acronyms and abbreviations
ABEND abnormal end
ACU Array Configuration Utility
ADU Array Diagnostics Utility
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
ASR Automatic Server Recovery
BBWR battery-backed write cache
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSR Customer Self Repair
DIMM dual inline memory module
DOS disk operating system
ESD electrostatic discharge
HTx HyperTransport
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
iLO 2 Integrated Lights-Out 2
IML Integrated Management Log
ISEE Instant Support Enterprise Edition
KVM keyboard, video, and mouse
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NIC network interface controller
NiMH nickel metal hydride
NVRAM non-volatile memory
ORCA Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
OS operating system
PCI-X peripheral component interconnect extended
PCIe peripheral component interconnect express
PDU power distribution unit
POST Power-On Self Test
PPM processor power module
PSP ProLiant Support Pack
RAID redundant array of inexpensive (or independent) disks
RBSU ROM-Based Setup Utility
RDP Rapid Deployment Pack
RILOE II Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II
ROM read-only memory
SAS serial attached SCSI
SCSI small computer system interface
SFF small form-factor
SIM Systems Insight Manager
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
TMRA recommended ambient operating temperature