Miscellaneous parts
Component Spare part number
AC adapter:
120-W HP Slim AC adapter (PFC, EM, 4.5-mm) for use only on computer models equipped with
an Intel processor
65-W HP Smart AC adapter (non-PFC, 4.5-mm) for use on all computer models 710412-001
65-W HP Smart AC adapter (non-PFC, EM, 4.5-mm) for use only on computer models equipped
with an Intel processor
90-W HP Smart AC adapter (PFC, 4.5-mm) for use on all computer models 710413-001
90-W HP Smart AC adapter (PFC EM, 4.5-mm) for use only on computer models equipped with an
Intel processor
HDMI-to-VGA adapter 701943-001
Power cord (3-pin, black, 1.83-m):
For use only on computer models equipped with an AMD processor in Argentina 490371-D01
For use on all computer models in Australia 490371-011
For use on all computer models in Denmark 490371-081
For use on all computer models in Europe 490371-021
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in India 490371-D61
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in Italy 490371-061
For use on all computer models in Japan 490371-291
For use on all computer models in North America 490371-001
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in Northwest Africa 490371-AR1
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in the People's Republic
of China
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in South Korea 490371-AD1
For use on all computer models in Switzerland 490371-111
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in Taiwan 490371-AB1
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in Thailand 490371-201
For use only on computer models equipped with an Intel processor in the United Kingdom
and Singapore
Screw Kit 720560-001
Miscellaneous parts