Multimeter Command Reference 167Chapter 3
SCPI Command Quick Reference
The following tables summarize SCPI commands for the HP E1312A B-size and
HP E1412A C-size 6½-Digit Multimeters.
Command Description
ABORt Place multimeter in idle state.
CALCulate :AVERage:AVERage?
:DB:REFerence <value> |MIN|MAX
:DB:REFerence? [MIN|MAX]
:DBM:REFerence <value> |MIN|MAX
:DBM:REFerence? [MIN|MAX]
:LIMit:LOWer <value> |MIN|MAX
:LIMit:UPPer <value> |MIN|MAX
:NULL:OFFSet <value> |MIN|MAX
Query average value of the average.
Query average count
Query average maximum.
Query average minimum.
Set dB reference value
Query dB reference value.
Set dBm reference value.
Query dBm reference value.
Set math function to calculate.
Query math function set.
Set lower limit value.
Query lower limit value.
Set upper limit value.
Query upper limit value.
Set null offset value.
Query null offset value.
Enable/disable math function state.
Query math function state.
CALibration :COUNt?
:LFRequency 50|60|400
:LFRequency? [MIN|MAX]
:SECure:CODE <new code>
:SECure:STATe OFF|ON,<code>
:STRing <quoted string>
:VALue <cal_value>
Query number of cal operations.
Sets line reference frequency.
Query line reference frequency.
Enters a new security code.
Enables/disables the security code.
Queries the security state.
Lets you store info about your calibration.
Queries the cal string.
Sets the calibration value.
Queries the calibration value.
Enable/disable autozero mode.
Query autozero mode.
CALibration? Initiates the calibration process using the cal
value set by CAL:VALue. The command returns a
value to indicate the calibration was successful.