HP Customer Care
HP printers set the standard for quality and reliability, so you have made an excellent
choice. If you need help, HP’s award-winning Customer Care service and support is
ready to provide expert advice on using your HP printer. They also can answer spe-
cific questions about any problems you may be having. Whether online or by phone,
you will quickly find the support you need.
HP Customer Care OnLine
Click your way to a quick solution. HP
Customer Care OnLine is a great place
to go for information about HP printers.
Get instant access to everything from
helpful printing tips to the latest product
and software updates—24 hours a day,
seven days a week, at no cost to you.
Obtain information about the HP e-print-
er at the following Website:
Use either:
• the set top box if it offers
Web browsing
• other Web access tools
HP Customer Care User Forums
Check out HP’s online user forums. They
are friendly and informative. Review ex-
isting messages left by other HP users to
find the answers you need. You also can
post your questions, then check back lat-
er for ideas and suggestions from knowl-
edgeable users and system operators.
HP Customer Care by Email
If you have email access, contact HP via
email and receive a personal reply from
an HP Customer Care service techni-
cian. Responses are normally provided
within 24 hours of receipt (excluding
holidays). This is a great option for your
non-urgent questions. To send an email,
go to:
HP Customer Care Audio Tips
(U.S. Only)
Call our toll-free, automated support line
at (877) 283-4684 for fast and simple
solutions to commonly asked HP printer