Chapter 2 29
Front and Rear Panel Features
Front Panel Overview
between the split-screen and full-sized display of the active window.
21 Help. Press the Help key and then any front panel or menu key to get a short
description of the key function and the associated SCPI command. The next key
you press will remove the help window from the display.
22 RF OUT 50Ω for Option 1DN or RF OUT 75Ω (for Option 1DQ) is the source
output for the built-in tracking generator. Option 1DN or 1DQ only.
CAUTION If the tracking generator output power is too high, it may damage the device under
test. Do not exceed the maximum power that the device under
test can tolerate.
23 The | (On) key turns the analyzer on, while the Standby key turns most of the
analyzer off. An analyzer alignment is performed (if
Auto Align is on) every time
the analyzer is turned on. After turning on the analyzer, allow 5 minutes of
warm-up time to ensure the analyzer will meet all specifications.
NOTE The analyzer continues to draw power even if the line power switch is in standby.
The detachable power cord is the analyzer disconnecting device.
It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before
other parts of the analyzer. The front-panel switch is only a
standby switch and is not a LINE switch (disconnecting device).