38 Chapter 2
Front and Rear Panel Features
Key Overview
2.3 Key Overview
The keys labeled FREQUENCY Channel, System, and Marker are all examples of front-panel keys.
The front-panel keys are dark gray, light gray, green, or white in color. Front-panel keys that are
white perform an immediate action rather than bringing up a menu. The only green key is the
Preset key, which performs an analyzer reset (A summary of all front panel keys and their related
menu keys can be found in user’s guide for your analyzer). Pressing most of the dark or light gray
front-panel keys accesses menus of functions that are displayed along the right side of the
display. These are called menu keys.
Menu keys list functions other than those accessed directly by the front panel keys. To activate a
menu key function, press the key immediately to the right of the annotation on the screen. The
menu keys that are displayed depend on which front-panel key is pressed and which menu level
is enabled.
If a menu key function’s value can be changed, it is called an active function. The function label of
the active function is highlighted after that key has been selected. For example, press
Y Scale
. This calls up the menu of related amplitude functions. Note the function labeled Ref Level
(the default selected key in the Amplitude menu) is highlighted.
Ref Level also appears in the
active function block, indicating that it is the active amplitude function and can now be changed
using any of the data entry controls.
A menu key with On and Off in its label can be used to turn the menu key’s function on or off. To
turn the function on, press the menu key so that On is underlined. To turn the function off, press
the menu key so that Off is underlined. In the manual, when On should be underlined, it will be
indicated as
Function (On).
A function with Auto and Man in the label can either be auto-coupled or have its value manually
changed. The value of the function can be changed manually using the numeric keypad, knob, or
step keys. To auto-couple a function, press the menu key so that Auto is underlined. In the
manual, when
Auto should be underlined, it will be indicated as Function (Auto).
In some key menus, one key label will always be highlighted to show which key has been selected.
For example, when you press Marker, you will access a menu of keys in which some of the keys are
grouped together by a blue bar (on analyzers with a color display) on the left side of the menu.
Normal key, which is the Marker menu default key, will be highlighted. When you press
another key within the blue bar region, such as
Delta, the highlight will move to that key to show
it has been selected.