Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 7-1
In this final chapter, we will step beyond executing programs under the
control of the VisualDSP++ Integrated Development and Debugging
Environment (IDDE) and learn how to create a program that runs when-
ever the EZ-KIT Lite is power cycled or reset. The chapter’s example
program builds on the previous examples to produce an application that
displays a slide show of BMP images with optional audio captions, con-
trolled from the EZ-KIT Lite keypad.
In the exercise, you will learn about the following concepts:
• Loader utility
• Flash Programmer utility
The chapter includes the following sections.
• “VisualDSP++ Utility Programs” on page 7-2
• “Executable and Loadable Program Files” on page 7-2
• “Creating a Loadable Program File” on page 7-3
• “Writing a Loader File to Flash Memory” on page 7-5
• “Booting From Burst Flash Memory” on page 7-8
• “Example 8: Loading” on page 7-9
• “Epilogue” on page 7-10