Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 69
Sign in to an IM account
1 Open Messaging .
2 Tap to the left of the text Offline and tap Available.
Sign out of an IM account
1 Open Messaging .
2 Tap the status icon to the left of your online status (Available or Busy)
and tap Offline.
Send and receive IM messages
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Make sure that the device is connected to a Wi-Fi
network (see Connect to a new open network or Connect to a new secure
1 Open Messaging .
2 Do one of the following to start or continue a conversation:
• Tap to see your buddies and tap a buddy name. If there’s
more than one account for that buddy, the most recently used IM
account is opened. To switch to another IM account, tap the IM
account name in the upper-right, and tap an IM address.
• Tap to see your favorites and tap a favorite.
• Tap to see your conversations and tap a conversation.
• Tap and tap New Conversation. Tap To, enter an IM address,
and tap Enter, or tap to search for a contact.
3Tap Enter message here, enter the message text, and tap Enter.
4 When the message recipient replies, the reply appears below your
message in the conversation. Repeat step 3 to reply to that person.
5 (Optional) If the message contains links, phone numbers, or other
email addresses you can do the following:
• To call a number: Tap the number, and tap . This feature is
available only if your device is connected to a compatible HP
webOS smartphone or you have a video calling account set up on
your device (see How can I make and receive calls with my HP
• To add a number to Contacts: Tap the number, and tap Add to
• To send an email: Tap the email address.
• To go to a web address: Tap it.
Add a buddy
To add a buddy to an IM account, you must send a buddy request and be
accepted as a buddy by the invitee.
To send a buddy request:
1 Open Messaging .
2 Tap and tap Add Buddy.
3Tap the IM Service field and tap the account in which you want to
add the buddy.
4 Do one of the following:
• To add a Skype buddy: Tap the Buddy Name field, tap Search All
Skype, enter the name or screen name of the buddy you want to
add, and tap . Tap the buddy name.
TIP You can include emoticons in your message (see Use emoticons in a