
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
n l
G OFF OFF OFF Ready to Print, Origin Set
R OFF OFF OFF Paused / Ofine, Keypad Active
R G OFF OFF Power on reset nished.
R Y-Blink OFF OFF Cover open (obsolete)
R OFF Y-Blink OFF Paper Feed Out / Jammed
Y-Blink R R OFF X- (paper) axis jam
Y-Blink G R OFF Y- (carriage) axis jam
Y-Blink G G OFF TU (take-up) jam
Y-Blink R G OFF SS (Service Station) jam
OFF R Y-Blink OFF Buffer Overow
Y-Blink OFF R OFF Init from EPROM failed
OFF R R OFF File syntax error
Y-Blink Y-Blink Y-Blink OFF Printer ready to receive rmware
Y-Blink OFF OFF OFF Motors off / System Stop
3. Continue holding the Page Advance key until the OK light
turns red and the Square light turns green.
4. Cycle power again (do not touch any keys this time) to ensure
communications are reset.
If using a terminal program like TeraTerm
to communicate with the
printer, make sure to use 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit, and Xon/
Xoff Flow Control.
Keypad Error Codes
G = Green light
R = Red light
Y = Yellow light
Y-Blink = Blinking yellow light*
OFF = Unlit
Figure 37. LED lights
on the keypad.
If keypad errors are not shown on
the chart to the left, update the
rmware. Downloads are available
on Ioline’s Web site or by contact-
ing Ioline Customer Service.