1.2 Parts and Functions
4 Serial Interface Connector
This connector is for D-sub 25-pin RS-232C cable from the computer. Connect this
connector to the computer’s serial printer port with a serial cable.
5 Memory Card Slot
This slot receives a memory card. A memory card can hold fonts, macros, forms, etc., that
can be downloaded in the printer’s memory. For details, see Appendix A Options, section
A.3.1 Memory Card on page A-7.
6 Network Interface Card Slot (OPT1)
This slot holds an optional network interface card for network printing. (An optional Hard
disk can’t be used in this slot.) For details see Appendix A Options, section A.3.10 IB-20/
IB-21E Network Interface Cards on page A-13.
7 Hard Disk or Network Interface Card Slot (OPT2/HDD)
This slot holds an optional hard disk for storing print jobs or network interface card for
network printing. A Kyocera Mita manufactured hard disk must be used. For details, see
Appendix A Options, section A.3.8 HD-3 Hard Disk on page A-12.
8 Ozone Filter Duct
The ozone filter behind the duct is provided to prevent the ozone generated in the printer
from escaping out the air.
Do not block the cooling air in and out vents and the ozone filter duct against walls or with
other objects. If the flow of cooling air is blocked, heat will be built up in the printer, and
there will be a risk of fire.