
An Oscilloscope
The PCI Scope Preprocessor Product
A PCI target bus
This operating manual uses the same signal notation as the PCI
symbol at the end of a signal name indicates that the signal’s
active state occurs when it is at a low voltage. The absence of a
# symbol indicates that the signal is active at a high voltage.
To use the MultiProbe Pod two steps are necessary:
1. Install the PCI Scope Personality adapter option 101 to the
208 pin MultiProbe pod. For information on how to configure the
personality adapter from a blank personality adapter using the
calibration fixture refer to the chapter on Analog Analysis in this
users manual.
Do not touch the contact are on the MultiProbe Pod conductive
elastomer, which is on the bottom of the probe adapter. If
foreign material sticks to the contact area remove it using
adhesive tape.
2. Align the 208 Pin MultiProbe Pod with the retainer that is
mounted on the top of the 208 pin package that is on the PCI
Scope Preprocessor. Attach the pod tightly using the knurled
nut. The pod will not lie flat against the board.
The PCI Scope Preprocessor can be installed in any slot of the
PCI Local bus.
1. Install the MultiProbe pod as described in the previous
2. Align the PCI module with the appropriate slot on the
target system and plug the module into the PCI
If your PCI Local bus is 32 bits the upper portion of the edge
connector will not be inserted into any connector. This will not
affect the modules operation on a 32-bit PCI Local bus.
The PCI Scope Preprocessor comes with MultiProbe compatible
configuration files that assigns all the PCI signals to their proper
pins. To load the files:
1. Install the PCI Scope Preprocessor software diskette in the
HP16500B mainframe floppy drive
2. If you have not already done so create the directory
MULTIPRB on your hard disk and copy the files
Signal Naming
Connecting the 208
pin MultiProbe Pod to
the PCI Scope
Installing the PCI
Scope Preprocessor
Setting up the
MultiProbe control
card for PCI Analysis