
Security menu
NOTE: Some of the menu items listed in this section might not be supported by the computer.
Select To do this
Setup Password Enter, change, or delete a setup password.
Power-On Password Enter, change, or delete a power-on password.
Password Options
Enable/disable stringent security.
Enable/disable the password requirement on computer
DriveLock Passwords
Enable/disable DriveLock on any computer hard drive.
Enter, change, or disable DriveLock on an optional
MultiBay hard drive.
NOTE: DriveLock settings are accessible only when you
enter Computer Setup by turning on (not restarting) the
System IDs Enter a user-defined computer asset tracking number and
ownership tag.
Disk Sanitizer Run Disk Sanitizer to destroy all existing data on the primary
hard drive. The following options are available:
Fast: Runs the Disk Sanitizer erase cycle once.
Optimum: Runs the Disk Sanitizer erase cycle 3 times.
Custom: Allows you to select the desired number of
Disk Sanitizer erase cycles from a list.
CAUTION: If you run Disk Sanitizer, the data on the
primary hard drive is destroyed permanently.
Diagnostics menu
Select To do this
HDD Self-Test Options Run a comprehensive self-test on any hard drive in the
system or on any optional MultiBay hard drive.
Memory Check Run a comprehensive check on system memory.
Computer Setup in Linux 91