Solving Problems with Your Computer
Troubleshooting Techniques
106 User's Guide
From the Power menu, make sure Enable Power Saving is enabled.
Exit the BIOS Setup utility.
If the battery doesn’t charge
Make sure the AC adapter is plugged into the power source and that the light on the
adapter is on.
If you're using a power strip, remove the AC adapter from the power strip and plug it
directly into a wall outlet.
Check that the battery is fully installed and locked in place.
Turn off the computer, then check that the battery contacts are clean and that the AC
adapter cables are fully plugged in.
Move the computer away from any nearby heat source. Unplug the AC adapter and
allow the battery to cool down. An elevated battery temperature prevents charging.
If available, try another battery and AC adapter.
If the Time Remaining percentage for the battery is not correct
When you place the pointer on the power (battery) icon on the Windows taskbar, you
will see the percentage of remaining time left on the battery. The Smart Battery
feature calculates the Time Remaining by dividing the battery capacity by the real
time power consumed by the system. In other words, this percentage reflects the task
you are performing at the moment. For example, if you are doing something that
consumes a lot of battery power (such as reading a CD-ROM or DVD), the Time
Remaining percentage will be lower than if you were performing a task that doesn’t
require as much power. (The system assumes you will continue with this same task
until the battery runs out.) Therefore, the Time Remaining value should be viewed as
an estimate, not a precise value.
If the computer stops responding
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to end the application that is not responding.
Press the blue power button for at least 4 seconds to turn off the computer. Then press
the blue button again to turn the computer back on.
If nothing happens, insert a paper clip into the system-off button on the bottom of the
computer. Then press the blue button to turn the computer on.
If the computer doesn’t suspend as expected
If you have a connection to another computer, the computer doesn’t suspend if the
connection is actively in use.