Page 4-2
Entering complex numbers
Complex numbers in the calculator can be entered in either of the two
Cartesian representations, namely, x+iy, or (x,y). The results in the calculator
will be shown in the ordered-pair format, i.e., (x,y). For example, with the
calculator in ALG mode, the complex number (3.5,-1.2), is entered as:
A complex number can also be entered in the form x+iy. For example, in
ALG mode, 3.5-1.2i is entered as:
In RPN mode, these numbers will be entered using the following keystrokes:
(Notice that the change-sign keystroke is entered after the number 1.2 has
been entered, in the opposite order as the ALG mode exercise), and
(Notice the need to enter an apostrophe before typing the number 3.5-1.2i in
RPN mode).
To enter the unit imaginary number type :
(the I key).
Polar representation of a complex number
The polar representation of the complex number 3.5-1.2i, entered above, is
obtained by changing the coordinate system to cylindrical or polar (using
function CYLIN). You can find this function in the catalog (
). Press
before or after using CYLIN. Changing to polar shows, and changing
the angular measure to radians, produces the result: