1–10 Maintenance and Service Guide
Product Description
1.5 External Components
The external components on the front and right side of the
notebook are shown in below and described in Table 1-3.
Front and Right Side Components
Table 1-3
Front and Right Side Components
Item Component Function
1 Microphone Inputs single-channel sound.
2 Wireless on/off light On: The wireless mini PCI card and/or
Bluetooth are on.
Off: The wireless mini PCI card and
Bluetooth are off.
3 Power/Standby light On: Power is turned on.
Blinking: Notebook is in Standby.
4 Battery light On: A battery pack is charging.
Blinking: A battery pack that is the only
available power source has reached a
low-battery condition. When the battery
reaches a critical low-battery condition, the
battery light begins blinking more quickly.
5 Display release latch Opens the notebook.