
HP inkjet technology
HP inkjet technology
HP cartridges and printheads
Just as important as the ink itself is the ink delivery
system and HP’s patented inkjet printhead, a device
capable of producing and accurately placing
thousands of dots of ink on paper surfaces each
second. With continual advancements and smart
thinking, HP is able to deliver impressive printouts
every time.
Long-lasting color results
Auto hue correction—an HP Smart Print Supplies
enhancement—ensures exceptional color accuracy
every time. Inkjet drop information is recorded on the
printhead’s smart technology during manufacturing.
This data is communicated to the printing system upon
printhead installation, allowing ongoing adjustments
to the amount of color being laid down for the truest,
most consistent colors throughout the printhead’s life.
Something you can count on
An electronic drop detect (EDD) sensor monitors
printhead health and makes ongoing adjustments to
maximize printhead life and ensure consistent print
quality. The EDD sensor can also determine if a specific
nozzle isn’t firing, and it can move data to a healthy
“partner” nozzle. These features offer the kind of
reliability you can only get with HP Smart Print Supplies.
The secret is in the inks
For breakthrough HP print quality, engineers carefully
combine patented HP inks.
Perfect printouts every time
HP has developed ink formulation advancements to
ensure outstanding printouts every time. The result
is consistently higher quality documents over the life
of the printing system. HP’s ink chemists continue to
develop patented formulas to achieve more precise dot
placement, vivid colors, crisp color images with smooth
gradations, blacks that come out sharp and dark,
output that’s permanent and durable, and reliable
results on all kinds of paper.
Precise results
HP’s exclusive K-fortification process alternately layers
black ink and colors uniquely designed to react to
each other. This forces black pigments to the paper
surface for very precise results. HP Color Layering
Technology—enabled by HP PhotoREt—delivers an
incredibly broad color palette by combining up to
32 dots per individual color dot. This produces a
staggering number of unique shades of color and
stunning, realistic photo images.
Ink storage and delivery system
HP’s ink storage and delivery systems are designed
to tell you when you are running low on ink.
Consistent drop volume
The gravity-resistant back-pressure system in the
printhead provides consistent drop volume and
prevents leakage. Because the printhead ejects the ink
straight down, leakage as well as print-quality
degradation—and mess—would be a major concern
without this back-pressure technology. Too much back-
pressure, and the ink will not flow at all. Too little, and
the ink will drool uncontrollably out of the nozzles and
damage the printer.
Snapper ink delivery system
Selected HP inkjet printers feature a black and
tri-color cartridge, separate from each of the four
individual printheads. All components are easy to
replace: Simply open the front door, press the release
button and lift out the empty cartridge. Then insert the
new cartridge or printhead and press down until it
snaps into place. To further simplify installation, color-
coding and icons on these supplies correspond with
icon-driven HP Smart Print Supplies alerts.
HP ink cartridges contain patented ink ingredients you can’t
get anywhere else.
HP long-life printheads give you fast, reliable printing without
image quality trade-offs.