Company confidential. Pelican User’s Guide, Ed 1, Final. Freeze Status: frozen
This is the cyan on page 6–3 (seq: 105)
This is the black on page 6–3 (seq: 105)
To change the serial interface settings
Parallel With a parallel interface, no front-panel configuration is necessary.
Serial With a serial interface, you should have checked the configuration (baud rate and
parity) when installing the plotter and, if necessary, changed it. However, you may
need to reconfigure it:
when you connect a new computer to the plotter
when you output to the plotter from a new application
if you experience problems with distorted or unintelligible plots.
To change the serial interface settings, use the setup sheet, as explained from
page 1–19.
To change the graphics language setting for less
common applications
Your software application communicates with the plotter by a graphics language.
The HP DesignJets 330 and 350C support HP-GL (7586B), HP-GL/2 and
The plotter’s default setting, HP-GL (7586B), is designed to work successfully
with most applications. However, it’s possible that with some older or less
common applications, you may need to change this setting to HP-GL/2. To change
the graphics language setting, use the Setup Sheet, as explained from page 1–19.
7586, HP-GL/2 With this setting, most drivers will automatically switch the
plotter’s language to the one appropriate to the data being sent,
including HP-GL/2 and RTL.
HP-GL/2 Try this setting if you are sending an HP-GL/2 file to the plotter
D if you have experienced plot position problems.
D if you have experienced timing problems.
Localization Note. .Top section very similar to Loquillo UG p7-9, top section. Bottom
section very similar to Loquillo UG p7-7.
Reconfiguring your plotter
Serial interface / graphics language