Section 1 – Printing Basics
Using The HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox
The HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox is a software program that provides access to all the information
you’ll need when using your printer. Information is divided into three main categories:
How Do I? – Tutorials of common printing tasks.
Troubleshooting – Step-by-step printing problem solutions.
Printer Services – Provides printer status and easy service steps.
To run the HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox – Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
◆ Double-click the HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox icon on your Windows desktop.
To run the HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox – Windows 3.1
◆ Double-click the HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox icon in the HP DeskJet Utilities program group.
Changing Print Settings
The basic print settings you will need are usually selected within your software program.
These settings include the number of copies, paper size, and paper orientation.
Selecting Custom HP Print Settings
HP’s print settings dialog box allows you to select settings that are not provided by the software
program. These settings include:
Paper Type – HP provides special settings for HP Premium sheets such as Glossy Paper, Premium
Inkjet Paper, and Transparencies.
Print Quality – Use to select the level of print quality.
Grayscale Printing – Use this setting when you want to print color documents in shades of gray for
better photocopying results.
ColorSmart II – Use the manual ColorSmart II setting when you want to manually adjust color
intensity and halftoning methods instead of letting HP’s ColorSmart II technology do it automatically.
Flip Horizontal – Use to reverse or flip the printed image. (Not available with Windows NT.)
Ordered Printing – Use to reverse the print order of your document. (Not available with Windows NT.)
Two-Sided Printing – Use to print on both sides of your paper. (Not available with Windows NT.)
To get to HP’s print settings dialog box, see the topic “Change Print Settings” on the “How
Do I?” tab in the HP DeskJet 890C Toolbox.
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