HP4402.book : chapter2.fm 58 Fri Feb 12 15:32:45 1999
Power Meter Operation
Setting the Range
2-58 HP E4419B User’s Guide
Setting the Range
The power meter has no internal ranges which can be set. The only ranges
that can be set are those of the HP E-series power sensors. With an
HP E-series power sensor the range can be set either automatically or
manually. Use autoranging when you are not sure of the power level you
will be measuring. There are two manual settings either “LOWER” or
“UPPER”. The lower range is more sensitive than the higher range.
“LOWER” covers the range of -70 dBm to -13.5 dBm. “UPPER” covers the
range of -14.5 dBm to +20 dBm. The default is “AUTO”.
Note The following procedure details how to set the range for channel
A. To set the range on channel B use the same procedure using the
To set the range:
1. Press , . The current setting of the
range is displayed under the softkey.
2. To change this setting press . A pop up window appears.
Use or to highlight your choice.
3. To confirm your choice press .
B Input Settings
A Input Settings