
SIMM Board Installation
The HP LaserJet 5 printer has four SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module)
slots. The HP LaserJet 5M printer has three available SIMM slots (the
fourth is used for the PostScript SIMM). Use the SIMM slots to install
additional printer memory and printer languages (such as the Adobe
PostScript language). For the HP LaserJet 5 printer, you can add up to 64
MBytes of memory (4 MBytes are standard). For the HP LaserJet 5M, you
can add up to 40 MBytes of memory (6 MBytes are standard).
Use only memory and PostScript language SIMMs designed for the HP
LaserJet 5 and 5M printers. Match the SIMM you are installing with
part numbers in the table below.
Memory SIMM Part Numbers
Compare the part number on the outside of the package to the part
number in the table below. If you did not purchase the correct SIMM,
contact your authorized Hewlett-Packard dealer for the appropriate part.
Part Number Size (MB)
C3130A 1
C3131A 2
C3132A 4
C3133A 8
C3134A 16
D-6 Printer Memory EN