1-8 Product Information HP OmniBook 900
Table 1-9. System Input/Output Addresses (100-3FF)
120-127 Audio (OmniBook 900† only)
170-177 Internal CD-ROM drive (secondary IDE controller)
1F0-1F7 Internal hard disk (primary IDE controller)
220-22F Audio
376 Internal CD-ROM drive (secondary IDE controller)
378-37F LPT1 (printer port)
388-38B Audio
3B0-3BB Video adapter
3C0-3DF Video adapter
3E0-3E1 PCMCIA controller
3F0-3F5 Floppy controller
3F6 Internal hard disk (primary IDE controller)
3F7 Floppy controller
3F8-3FF COM1 (serial port)
† Models called 900† in this manual have no marking in the serial number,
whereas models called 900B have 900 B after the serial number.
Table 1-10. DMA Channels
0 Sound record (OmniBook 900† only)
Free (OmniBook 900B only)
1 Sound playback
2 Floppy drive
3 LPT1 (ECP parallel port)
4 Cascade
5 Free
6 Free
7 Free
† Models called 900† in this manual have no marking in the serial number,
whereas models called 900B have 900 B after the serial number.