HP Omnibook XE3 (Technology Codes GE and GD) Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 3-23
Running e-DiagTools
Restart the notebook.
When the HP logo appears, press F10 to start the diagnostic test.
When the menu appears, press Enter to run e-DiagTools.
The first time you run the program, you are prompted to select the language for the program.
Press F2 to proceed with the basic tests.
You can also proceed directly to the advanced tests from this point by pressing Ctrl-F9 (in which
case skip to step 10, below).
When the hardware detection finishes, check the list of detected hardware.
If a device is not detected or fails its test, it might be configured incorrectly in BIOS Setup. You
can confirm this by running BIOS Setup and checking the settings—see “BIOS Setup Utility“ on
page 3-33.
Run the basic test.
Press F2 to start the basic hardware test.
If the basic test fails, you can press F6 and start a Wizard that runs a set of advanced tests for the
failed component. Then generate a support ticket.
To exit without running the advanced tests, press F4 to view the Support Ticket. Press F3 to exit.
Optional: Run the advanced tests.
Press F2 to open the advanced test screen.
Select and run the appropriate tests. Note that individual tests do not appear if the hardware they
test is not detected. Press the following keys to run tests:
Enter Runs the highlighted test.
F5 or Space Marks/unmarks the highlighted test.
F6 Marks/unmarks all tests in the current menu.
F7 Marks/unmarks all tests in all menus.
F10 Runs all marked tests.
(Press F9 for a list of all function keys.)
If a test fails, the error code and description are logged, and the error code is displayed
temporarily. If several errors occur, look for patterns that might indicate a common cause. See
Table 3-3 on page 3-25 for repair suggestions. Consider these suggestions in combination with
other troubleshooting information.
Save the Support Ticket.
Press T to update and display a Support Ticket containing system
and test information.
When you are finished running tests, press Esc to exit the advanced tests.
To save the Support Ticket to a floppy disk, press F7 then Alt+C.
Press F3 and then any key to exit and restart the notebook.