HP photosmart 612 User Guide8
Previewing your pictures
Instead of looking through the viewfinder to frame a picture, you
can use the image display to preview a picture. The image display
shows exactly what your picture will look like, whereas the
viewfinder is slightly less accurate. Preview your picture on the
image display when precise framing is important, especially when
you are taking a close-up shot.
Note Using the image display consumes a lot of battery
power. To conserve battery power, the camera
automatically turns off the image display after 60
seconds if you do not press a button.
To preview a picture
1 Turn on the camera.
2 Press the I
MAGE DISPLAY ON/OFF ( ) button to turn the
image display on.
3 Frame your picture in the image display by pointing the camera
lens at your subject.
4 Press and hold the
SHUTTER button halfway down to allow the
camera to adjust the focus and exposure.
5 When you see the steady green light to the left of the
viewfinder, press the
SHUTTER button all the way down to take
the picture.
To turn the image display off, press the button.
Understanding automatic focus and
automatic exposure
The camera adjusts the focus and exposure automatically for the
current lighting condition. You are more likely to catch the perfect
shot, especially when you are photographing an active subject, if
you set the camera’s focus and exposure early. To do this, press
SHUTTER button halfway down, and then press the SHUTTER
button all the way down at the exact moment you want to capture
the image.