Appendix A: Using the Preferences Menu 100 Setting the Image Counter
Figure 77: Format Dialog
Format Dialog
When you press the left (Format) soft key in the Set Date & Time submenu, you see the Format
dialog, which allows you to select from a list of six, predefined date and time formats. There are three
formats which use the 24-hour clock format, and three formats which use the 12-hour clock format.
The default format for the date and time is MM/DD/YY 12 hr, which means the date is in the Month/
Day/Year format, and the time is in the 12-hour clock format.
For example, to set your camera to the MM/DD/YY 24 hour format (so that the date will be in the
Month/Day/Year format, and the time will be in the 24-hour clock format), follow these steps:
1 Press the left (Format) soft key in the Set Date & Time submenu to move to the Format dialog.
2 Press the up or down arrow on the 4-way controller to highlight the MM/DD/YY 24 hours
format in the Format dialog.
3 Press the left (Select) softkey, The checkmark moves to the highlighted date and time format,
and you return to the Set Date & Time submenu. The camera is now set to the date and time
format you just selected.
Setting the Image Counter
Figure 78: Image Counter Submenu Use the Image Counter submenu to set how the image counter works. You can set the camera either
to restart numbering at 1 (one) each time you delete all the images from your camera, or to keep a
continuous count of images from the beginning of the camera’s use.
Table 64 explains the Image Counter settings and their functions. The currently selected setting is
indicated by the checkmark to the left of it. The default setting is Continuous Counter.
Tabl e 64 : Image Counter Submenu
Setting Function
Reset When Empty Each time you delete all of the images on your camera, the
counter restarts the first image captured at number 1.
Continuous Counter
The images are counted according to the history of the
camera’s use. For example: image #400 is the 400th
image to be captured with this camera.