HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A434 A434 Photo Photo Studio Studio
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital Camera Camera & & Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 PrinterPrinter
Technical Technical specificationsspecifications
Camera Camera SpecificationsSpecifications
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital CameraCamera
Imaging Imaging TechnologyTechnology
Color, Color, EV EV compensation, compensation, fast fast mode, mode, image image quality, quality, ISO ISO speed, speed, white white balance; balance; HP HP Real Real Life Life Technologies:Technologies: HP HP In-camera In-camera Red-eye Red-eye Removal, Removal, HP HP Design Design GalleryGallery
Photo Photo ResolutionResolution
6.0 6.0 MP; MP; 2800 2800 x x 2128 2128 pixels; pixels; Bit Bit depth: depth: 36-bit36-bit
CCD CCD Image Image Sensor Sensor SpecificationsSpecifications
1/2.5-in 1/2.5-in CCD; CCD; 5.05 5.05 total total megapixels; megapixels; 5.02 5.02 effective effective megapixelsmegapixels
Still Still Image Image CapacityCapacity
Best:Best: 4 4 images; images; 2.3 2.3 MB MB file file size; size; 2800 2800 x x 2128 2128 resolution; resolution; Better: Better: 10 10 images; images; 1 1 MB MB file file size; size; 2800 2800 x x 2128 2128 resolution; resolution; Good:Good: 14 14 images; images; 0.7 0.7 MB MB file file size; size; 2288 2288 x x 1712 1712 resolutionresolution
Memory Memory Card Card CompatibilityCompatibility
SecureDigital SecureDigital (SD); (SD); Memory Memory per per Slot Slot (maximum): (maximum): 1 1 GB; GB; Storage Storage Media Media Capacity:Capacity: 16 16 MB MB internal internal memory, memory, capacity: capacity: up up to to 8 8 photos photos (accepts (accepts SD SD cards cards up up to to 1 1 GB GB capacity)capacity)
Lens Lens System/Focus System/Focus CapabilityCapability
f2.8 f2.8 (wide) (wide) to to f4.8 f4.8 (telephoto); (telephoto); HP HP Precision Precision Lens: Lens: 21x 21x total total zoom zoom (3x (3x optical, optical, 7x 7x digital); digital); Focus Focus Capability:Capability: Normal Normal (default), (default), macromacro
Digital Digital Focal Focal DistanceDistance
Approximately Approximately 0.5 0.5 m m to to infinity infinity (normal), (normal), 0.6 0.6 m m to to infinity infinity (telephoto), (telephoto), 0.12 0.12 to to 1 1 m m (macro (macro wide); wide); 35 35 mm mm equivalent:equivalent: Approximately Approximately 38 38 to to 105 105 mm mm to to infinityinfinity
Rating:Rating: Auto Auto (default), (default), ISO ISO 100, 100, 200, 200, 400; 400; Type: Type: Automatic; Automatic; Control: Control: Center-weighted Center-weighted auto auto exposure exposure metering metering (AE); (AE); Correction: Correction: +/- +/- 2.0 2.0 EV EV in in 1/2 1/2 steps; steps; Metering:Metering: TTL TTL (through-the-lens)(through-the-lens)
Setting:Setting: Automatic; Automatic; Range: Range: f2.8 f2.8 to to f8.0 f8.0 (wide), (wide), f4.7 f4.7 to to f7.6 f7.6 (telephoto)(telephoto)
Availability:Availability: Built-in; Built-in; Functions:Functions: Auto Auto (default), (default), Auto Auto with with Red-eye Red-eye Reduction, Reduction, Flash Flash off, off, Flash Flash on; on; Working Working Distance: Distance: 12.5 12.5 ft ft wide, wide, 6.9 6.9 ft ft telephoto telephoto at at Auto Auto ISOISO
Picture/Shooting Picture/Shooting ModesModes
Action, Action, Auto Auto (default), (default), Beach Beach and and Snow, Snow, Burst, Burst, Fast Fast Shot, Shot, Landscape, Landscape, Macro, Macro, Night Night portrait, portrait, Portrait, Portrait, Self Self Timer, Timer, Sunset; Sunset; Shooting Shooting Modes:Modes: Still Still (default), (default), Self Self timer, timer, Burst Burst mode, mode, VideoVideo
Shutter Shutter / / Burst Burst RateRate
Setting: Setting: Automatic; Automatic; Speed:Speed: 2 2 to to 1/1000 1/1000 sec; sec; Burst Burst Rate:Rate: 2 2 frames/sec, frames/sec, 3 3 pictures pictures maximum; maximum; Self Self Timer Timer Wait Wait Time:Time: 10 10 secsec
Output Output File File FormatFormat
JPEG JPEG (EXIF (EXIF 2.2) 2.2) for for still still images images with with embedded embedded audio; audio; MPEG-1 MPEG-1 for for video video clips; clips; Image Image Compression: Compression: JPEG; JPEG; Image Image Control Control Functions:Functions: Date Date and and time time imprintingimprinting
Video/ Video/ AudioAudio
Format:Format: MPEG-1; MPEG-1; Resolution:Resolution: VGA VGA 320 320 x x 240;240; Max Max length: length: limited limited to to the the size size of of the the memory memory card card or or internal internal memory; memory; Frame Frame Rate: Rate: 20 20 fps; fps; Audio Audio CapacityCapacity
:: Yes, Yes, Limited Limited by by available available memorymemory
LCD LCD DisplayDisplay
4.31-cm 4.31-cm (1.7-in) (1.7-in) LCD LCD display; display; 480 480 x x 240 240 = = 115200 115200 dots dots (diagonal (diagonal display display size)size)
Control Control PanelPanel
Top: Top: 2 2 buttons buttons (Video, (Video, Shutter Shutter release); release); back: back: 10 10 buttons buttons (4-way (4-way rocker rocker with with OK, OK, Zoom Zoom in, in, Zoom Zoom out, out, Live Live view/Playback, view/Playback, Flash, Flash, Delete, Delete, Photosmart Photosmart Express, Express, Power)Power)
Standard Standard ConnectivityConnectivity
1 1 USB; USB; External External IO IO Ports: Ports: 1 1 USB, USB, 1 1 dock; dock; PictBridge PictBridge Description: Description: Direct Direct photo photo printing printing to to PictBridge-enabled PictBridge-enabled printersprinters
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemsSystems
Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, 2000, 2000, Me. Me. XP XP Home, Home, XP XP Professional Professional x64 x64 Edition,; Edition,; Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.28, 10.28, 10.3, 10.3, 10.410.4
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
For For PC: PC: USB-compatible USB-compatible PC PC with with Pentium Pentium II II (233 (233 MHz MHz minimum), minimum), equivalent equivalent Celeron Celeron or or compatible; compatible; 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (Windows (Windows 2000, 2000, XP XP Home, Home, XP XP Professional Professional x64 x64 Edition), Edition), 64 64 MB MB RAM RAM (Windows
(Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me); Me); 400 400 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space (Windows (Windows 2000, 2000, XP XP Home, Home, XP XP Professional Professional x64 x64 Edition), Edition), 200 200 MB MB (Windows (Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, Me); Me); SVGA SVGA monitor monitor (800 (800 x x 600, 600, 16-bit 16-bit color);
color); Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, 2000, 2000, Me, Me, XP XP Home, Home, XP XP Professional Professional x64 x64 Edition; Edition; CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 with with Service Service Pack Pack 2 2 or or higher; higher; USB USB port port (compatible (compatible with with USB USB 2.0 2.0 specifications);
specifications); For For Mac:Mac: Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.2.8, 10.2.8, 10.3, 10.3, 10.4; 10.4; 128 128 MB MB RAM, RAM, 250 250 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space, space, built-in built-in USB USB Pentium Pentium II II (or (or equivalent) equivalent) or or greater; greater; 64 64 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB recommended);
recommended); 200 200 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space space (450 (450 MB MB recommended); recommended); SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor monitor with with 16-bit 16-bit color; color; 4x 4x CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable (not (not included);included);
Printer Printer SpecificationsSpecifications
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 Compact Compact Photo Photo PrinterPrinter
Print Print TechnologyTechnology
HP HP Thermal Thermal Inkjet; Inkjet; HP HP Real Real Life Life Technologies Technologies Features:Features: HP HP Auto Auto Red-eye Red-eye Removal, Removal, HP HP Adaptive Adaptive LightingLighting
Print Print ResolutionResolution
Up Up to to 4800 4800 x x 1200 1200 dpidpi
Print Print SpeedSpeed
Color Color (normal, (normal, 4x6 4x6 photo): photo): As As fast fast as as 60 60 sec sec (with (with border, border, direct direct connect), connect), as as fast fast as as 68 68 sec sec (borderless, (borderless, direct direct connect)connect)
Print Print CapabilitiesCapabilities
Borderless Borderless Printing: Printing: Yes Yes (up (up to to 4 4 x x 12 12 in); in); PictBridge:PictBridge: Yes; Yes; Direct Direct Print: Print: Yes Yes (included (included HP HP Photosmart Photosmart camera, camera, PictBridge PictBridge cameras); cameras); Automatic Automatic Paper Paper Sensor:Sensor: NoNo
Paper Paper HandlingHandling
Input Input Capacity:Capacity: Up Up to to 20 20 sheets sheets of of photo photo paper; paper; Output Output Capacity:Capacity: Up Up to to 20 20 sheets sheets of of photo photo paperpaper
Media Media
Type:Type: Photo Photo paper, paper, cards; cards; Weight: Weight: 16 16 to to 24 24 lb lb (60 (60 to to 90 90 g/m2) g/m2) Sizes Sizes Standard:Standard: 4 4 x x 6 6 in, in, 4 4 x x 6.5 6.5 in, in, 4 4 x x 8 8 in in (photo (photo card), card), 4 4 x x 12 12 in in (panorama)(panorama)
Control Control PanelPanel
Power, Power, Save, Save, Photo Photo Fix, Fix, Print, Print, Menu/OK, Menu/OK, Zoom, Zoom, Cancel Cancel and and TV TV (TV (TV remote remote viewing)viewing)
External External IO IO PortsPorts
1 1 USB USB (device), (device), 1 1 USB USB (host), (host), 1 1 camera camera dock, dock, 1 1 TV TV outout
Compatible Compatible Operating Operating SystemSystem
Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows 98, 98, 98 98 SE, SE, 2000, 2000, Me. Me. XP XP Home, Home, XP XP Professional Professional x64 x64 Edition,; Edition,; Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.28, 10.28, 10.3, 10.3, 10.410.4
Minimum Minimum System System RequirementsRequirements
PC:PC:Windows Windows 98 98 SE, SE, 2000, 2000, Me, Me, XP XP Home, Home, XP XP Professional, Professional, XP XP Professional Professional x64; x64; Internet Internet Explorer Explorer 5.01 5.01 with with SP2 SP2 or or higher; higher; Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; Internet Internet access access recommended;
recommended; Mac:Mac: Mac Mac OS OS X X v v 10.3.9 10.3.9 and and higher; higher; G3 G3 processor processor or or compatible compatible (G4 (G4 or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 128 128 MB MB RAM RAM (256 (256 MB MB or or higher higher recommended); recommended); 150 150 MB MB available available hard hard disk disk space
space for for software software installation; installation; SVGA SVGA 800 800 x x 600 600 monitor monitor 16-bit 16-bit color; color; 4x 4x CD-ROM CD-ROM drive; drive; USB USB port port and and USB USB cable cable (not (not included); included); Adobe Adobe Acrobat Acrobat Reader Reader 5 5 or or higher higher recommended; recommended; QuickTime QuickTime 7.0.3
7.0.3 or or higher; higher; any any Web Web browserbrowser
1 1
These These numbers numbers are are only only a a guideline; guideline; actual actual numbers numbers will will vary vary by by use. use.
2 2
Audio Audio limit limit applies applies to to audio audio with with still still image image capture. capture. Audio Audio with with video video capture capture is is limited limited to to the the size size of of the the memory memory card card or or internal internal memory. memory.
Dependent Dependent upon upon type, type, print print mode mode and and approximate approximate figures. figures. Exact Exact speed speed will will vary vary depending depending on on the the system system configuration, configuration, software software program program and and photo photo density. density.
4 4
Power Power requirements requirements are are based based on on the the country/region country/region where where the the printer printer is is sold. sold. Do Do not not convert convert operating operating voltages. voltages. This This will will damage damage the the printer printer and and void void the the product product warranty.warranty.
Dimensions Dimensions (w (w x x d d x x h)/Weighth)/Weight
Camera: Camera: 3.74 3.74 x x 1.25 1.25 x x 2.44 2.44 in in (without (without protrusions)/0.3 protrusions)/0.3 lb lb (without (without batteries), batteries), 0.4 0.4 lb lb (with (with batteries); batteries); (Metric) (Metric) 95 95 x x 31.3 31.3 x x 62 62 mm mm (without (without protrusions)/0.14
protrusions)/0.14 kg kg (without (without batteries), batteries), 0.19 0.19 kg kg (with (with batteries) batteries) Printer/camera: Printer/camera: 8.9 8.9 x x 9.06 9.06 x x 6.65 6.65 in; in; maximum: maximum: 8.9 8.9 x x 9.06 9.06 x x 6.65 6.65 in in 227 227 x
x 116 116 x x 169 169 mm mm Weight: Weight: 3.17 3.17 lb lb 1.44 1.44 kgkg
Temperature: Temperature: Strorage Strorage Range: Range: -22 -22 to to 149º 149º F F (-30 (-30 to to 65º 65º C); C); Maximum Maximum Operating: Operating: 32 32 to to 122º 122º F F (0 (0 to to 50º 50º C); C); Humidity Humidity Recommended Recommended Operating
Operating Range:Range: 5 5 to to 85% 85% RHRH
Features:Features: Universal Universal AC AC adapter: adapter: 100 100 to to 240 240 VAC VAC (50/60 (50/60 Hz) Hz) input; input; 5 5 VDC, VDC, 2000 2000 mA mA output; output; Supply Supply Source: Source: 2 2 AA AA alkaline alkaline (included), (included), photo
photo lithium, lithium, NiMH NiMH batteries batteries or or HP HP Photosmart Photosmart 5V 5V AC AC Adapter; Adapter; Battery Battery Life: Life: Alkaline: Alkaline: 180 180 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 120 120 shots shots (average);
(average); NiMH: NiMH: 380 380 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 290 290 shots shots (average); (average); photo photo lithium: lithium: 600 600 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 485 485 shots shots (average)
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone phone supportsupport
Dimensions Dimensions (w (w x x d d x x h)/Weighth)/Weight
Camera: Camera: 3.74 3.74 x x 1.25 1.25 x x 2.44 2.44 in in (without (without protrusions)/0.3 protrusions)/0.3 lb lb (without (without batteries), batteries), 0.4 0.4 lb lb (with (with batteries); batteries); (Metric) (Metric) 95 95 x x 31.3 31.3 x x 62 62 mm mm (without (without protrusions)/0.14
protrusions)/0.14 kg kg (without (without batteries), batteries), 0.19 0.19 kg kg (with (with batteries) batteries) Printer/camera: Printer/camera: 8.9 8.9 x x 9.06 9.06 x x 6.65 6.65 in; in; maximum: maximum: 8.9 8.9 x x 9.06 9.06 x x 6.65 6.65 in in 227 227 x
x 116 116 x x 169 169 mm mm Weight: Weight: 3.17 3.17 lb lb 1.44 1.44 kgkg
Dimensions Dimensions (w (w x x d d x x h)/Weighth)/Weight
Camera: Camera: 3.74 3.74 x x 1.25 1.25 x x 2.44 2.44 in in (without (without protrusions)/0.3 protrusions)/0.3 lb lb (without (without batteries), batteries), 0.4 0.4 lb lb (with (with batteries); batteries); (Metric) (Metric) 95 95 x x 31.3 31.3 x x 62 62 mm mm (without (without protrusions)/0.14
protrusions)/0.14 kg kg (without (without batteries), batteries), 0.19 0.19 kg kg (with (with batteries) batteries) Printer/camera: Printer/camera: 8.9 8.9 x x 9.06 9.06 x x 6.65 6.65 in; in; maximum: maximum: 8.9 8.9 x x 9.06 9.06 x x 6.65 6.65 in in 227 227 x
x 116 116 x x 169 169 mm mm Weight: Weight: 3.17 3.17 lb lb 1.44 1.44 kgkg
Temperature: Temperature: Strorage Strorage Range: Range: -22 -22 to to 149º 149º F F (-30 (-30 to to 65º 65º C); C); Maximum Maximum Operating: Operating: 32 32 to to 122º 122º F F (0 (0 to to 50º 50º C); C); Humidity Humidity Recommended Recommended Operating
Operating Range:Range: 5 5 to to 85% 85% RHRH
Temperature: Temperature: Strorage Strorage Range: Range: -22 -22 to to 149º 149º F F (-30 (-30 to to 65º 65º C); C); Maximum Maximum Operating: Operating: 32 32 to to 122º 122º F F (0 (0 to to 50º 50º C); C); Humidity Humidity Recommended Recommended Operating
Operating Range:Range: 5 5 to to 85% 85% RHRH
Features:Features: Universal Universal AC AC adapter: adapter: 100 100 to to 240 240 VAC VAC (50/60 (50/60 Hz) Hz) input; input; 5 5 VDC, VDC, 2000 2000 mA mA output; output; Supply Supply Source: Source: 2 2 AA AA alkaline alkaline (included), (included), photo
photo lithium, lithium, NiMH NiMH batteries batteries or or HP HP Photosmart Photosmart 5V 5V AC AC Adapter; Adapter; Battery Battery Life: Life: Alkaline: Alkaline: 180 180 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 120 120 shots shots (average);
(average); NiMH: NiMH: 380 380 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 290 290 shots shots (average); (average); photo photo lithium: lithium: 600 600 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 485 485 shots shots (average)
Features:Features: Universal Universal AC AC adapter: adapter: 100 100 to to 240 240 VAC VAC (50/60 (50/60 Hz) Hz) input; input; 5 5 VDC, VDC, 2000 2000 mA mA output; output; Supply Supply Source: Source: 2 2 AA AA alkaline alkaline (included), (included), photo
photo lithium, lithium, NiMH NiMH batteries batteries or or HP HP Photosmart Photosmart 5V 5V AC AC Adapter; Adapter; Battery Battery Life: Life: Alkaline: Alkaline: 180 180 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 120 120 shots shots (average);
(average); NiMH: NiMH: 380 380 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 290 290 shots shots (average); (average); photo photo lithium: lithium: 600 600 shots shots (maximum), (maximum), approximately approximately 485 485 shots shots (average)
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone phone supportsupport
One-year One-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty warranty backed backed by by HP HP Customer Customer Care, Care, service service and and support; support; one-year one-year technical technical phone phone supportsupport
Ordering Ordering informationinformation
What's What's in in the the box?box?
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A434 A434 Portable Portable Photo Photo Studio Studio including:including:
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital Camera Camera and and HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 printerprinter
HP HP 100 100 Tri-color Tri-color Inkjet Inkjet Print Print CartridgeCartridge
Power Power supplysupply
Audiovisual Audiovisual cable cable
USB USB cable cable Mini-B Mini-B toAtoA
Rechargeable Rechargeable camera camera batteriesbatteries
Remote Remote Control Control with with batterybattery
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart SoftwareSoftware
User's User's guideguide
Quick Quick Start Start GuideGuide
Part Part NumberNumber
Part Part NumberNumber
HP HP ProductProduct
Part Part NumberNumber
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A434 A434 Photo Photo Studio Studio
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital Camera Camera & & Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 PrinterPrinter
HP HP 110 110 Tri-color Tri-color Inkjet Inkjet Print Print CartridgeCartridge
CB304A CB304A
HP HP 110 110 Series Series Photo Photo Value Value PackPack
HP HP Advanced Advanced Photo Photo Paper, Paper, 4 4 x x 6, 6, 100ct100ct
HP HP Internal Internal Battery Battery for for HP HP Compact Compact Photo Photo PrintersPrinters
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart Carrying Carrying Case Case for for compact compact photo photo printersprinters
HP HP bt450 bt450 Bluetooth Bluetooth Wireless Wireless Printer Printer and and PC PC AdapterAdapter
Q6398A Q6398A
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart Digital Digital Camera Camera Black Black Sport Sport CaseCase
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart Digital Digital Camera Camera Silver Silver Sport Sport CaseCase
HP HP Signature Signature Soft-Style Soft-Style Camera Camera CaseCase
HP HP Signature Signature Soft-Style Soft-Style Camera Camera CaseCase
HP HP Secure Secure Digital Digital Memory Memory Cards: Cards: 128 128 MB MB L1873A, L1873A, 256 256 MB MB L1874A, L1874A, 512
512 MB MB L1875A, L1875A, 1 1 GB GB L1876A, L1876A, 2 2 GB GB L1877AL1877A
What's What's in in the the box?box?
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A434 A434 Portable Portable Photo Photo Studio Studio including:including:
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital Camera Camera and and HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 printerprinter
HP HP 100 100 Tri-color Tri-color Inkjet Inkjet Print Print CartridgeCartridge
Power Power supplysupply
Audiovisual Audiovisual cable cable
USB USB cable cable Mini-B Mini-B toAtoA
Rechargeable Rechargeable camera camera batteriesbatteries
Remote Remote Control Control with with batterybattery
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart SoftwareSoftware
User's User's guideguide
Quick Quick Start Start GuideGuide
What's What's in in the the box?box?
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A434 A434 Portable Portable Photo Photo Studio Studio including:including:
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital Camera Camera and and HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 printerprinter
HP HP 100 100 Tri-color Tri-color Inkjet Inkjet Print Print CartridgeCartridge
Power Power supplysupply
Audiovisual Audiovisual cable cable
USB USB cable cable Mini-B Mini-B toAtoA
Rechargeable Rechargeable camera camera batteriesbatteries
Remote Remote Control Control with with batterybattery
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart SoftwareSoftware
User's User's guideguide
Quick Quick Start Start GuideGuide
Part Part NumberNumber
Part Part NumberNumber
HP HP ProductProduct
Part Part NumberNumber
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart A434 A434 Photo Photo Studio Studio
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart M525 M525 Digital Digital Camera Camera & & Photosmart Photosmart A432 A432 PrinterPrinter
HP HP 110 110 Tri-color Tri-color Inkjet Inkjet Print Print CartridgeCartridge
CB304A CB304A
HP HP 110 110 Series Series Photo Photo Value Value PackPack
HP HP Advanced Advanced Photo Photo Paper, Paper, 4 4 x x 6, 6, 100ct100ct
HP HP Internal Internal Battery Battery for for HP HP Compact Compact Photo Photo PrintersPrinters
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart Carrying Carrying Case Case for for compact compact photo photo printersprinters
HP HP bt450 bt450 Bluetooth Bluetooth Wireless Wireless Printer Printer and and PC PC AdapterAdapter
Q6398A Q6398A
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart Digital Digital Camera Camera Black Black Sport Sport CaseCase
HP HP Photosmart Photosmart Digital Digital Camera Camera Silver Silver Sport Sport CaseCase
HP HP Signature Signature Soft-Style Soft-Style Camera Camera CaseCase
HP HP Signature Signature Soft-Style Soft-Style Camera Camera CaseCase
HP HP Secure Secure Digital Digital Memory Memory Cards: Cards: 128 128 MB MB L1873A, L1873A, 256 256 MB MB L1874A, L1874A, 512
512 MB MB L1875A, L1875A, 1 1 GB GB L1876A, L1876A, 2 2 GB GB L1877AL1877A
Product Product Number: Number: Q7038A Q7038A
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