Some Examples
The following images show the effect of theatre mode. All photos were taken without using a
tripod and the HP R817 camera.
This pictured was taken with the camera set
to Auto mode, but with flash forced off to
prevent it from firing. While the camera
adjusts for the proper exposure, the long
shutter time means that the photo is blurred
because the people on the stage moved and
the camera moved slightly during the photo.
The same scene taken in Theatre Mode on
the HP Photosmart R817 camera.
Note how the feeling of a theatre scene is
preserved and how the people on the stage
are properly exposed but not blurred.
This picture shows the results of using
Theatre Mode on the HP Photosmart R817 to
take a photograph using the optical zoom
function on the camera. Using optical zoom
in this situation is even more challenging as
less light is gathered by the lens and motion
of the camera is accentuated. This is a shot
that would be very difficult if not impossible to
get using a traditional camera.