HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 91
Scanning text Book Contents Index
Drag-and-drop to another program
1 Start the destination program.
2 Open the document and view the page that will
receive the image.
3 In the scanning software window, position the
pointer inside the selection area.
The pointer changes to .
4 Press the left mouse button and drag the image
to its position in the open document.
The pointer changes to .
5 Release the mouse button.
A final scan of the image is performed.
The text is converted to editable text and placed
in the open document.
Always Zoom scan a selection area you
want to convert to text, then adjust the
position and size of the selection area to
be sure it contains all the characters you
want to convert.
The text in the selection area is displayed
at a low resolution and may not appear
readable, even after a
Zoom scan.
During the final scan when you drag-and-
drop, copy, or save the selection area, the
text will be scanned at a higher resolution
before it is converted to editable text.
Selecting Text
Be sure to keep the original in the same
place on the scanner glass until the final
scan of the image is completed.