HP Webcam 2100 User’s Guide 9
Adjusting Webcam Settings
You can adjust most of your webcam’s settings in ArcSoft WebCam Companion.
1 Double-click the WebCam
Companion 3 icon on the
Windows desktop.
2 Click Capture .
3 Click the WebCam
Settings icon.
4 On the Video Proc Amp tab
do either of the following:
To manually adjust a setting,
drag the slider for that setting.
To let the webcam auto-detect
a setting, place a check in the
Auto check box to the right
of that setting.
5 Click the Camera Control tab.
6 To manually adjust the zoom
level, remove the check from the
Auto Zoom check box and then
drag the Zoom slider.
7 Click OK.
To learn about customizing the Capture settings in ArcSoft WebCam Companion, click
Extras and select Application Help.
NOTE: To restore the factory settings, click Default.