
Serving Storage to the iSCSI Initiators from the SR2122 over IP
27iSCSI SR2122 Storage Router: Getting Started Guide
Figure 12: SCSI Router Instance Structure
SCSI Router Instance – Contains the IP address used by the iSCSI Initiator, the SR2122
GbE interface port to use, authentication information, and Target Mapping. A SCSI Router
Instance may have more than one Target assigned to it.
Target – Contains the Access List Entry and LUN Mapping. A Target may have more than one
LUN assigned to it.
LUN – Contains the LUN ID to serve to the iSCSI Initiator and the SR2122 Device associated
with the LUN.
Creating a SCSI Router Instance
The SCSI Router Instance may be created using the SR2122 Management GUI or by CLI
In this example, we will serve two LUNs from EVA storage to node iSCSI03 using the
following information:
Note: A SCSI Router Instance is only active on one SR21212 regardless if the SR2122 is setup in
Standalone or Cluster Mode.
Using the SR2122 CLI the commands would be:
SR2122> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks
SR2122> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks description "Router Instance of all
storage for iSCSI03"
SR2122> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks authentication "none"
SR2122> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks username "none"
Table 4: SCSI Router Instance Example
SCSI Router Name /
IP address
Target Name
Controller LUN
HSV23_T1 1 50001fe150002f78 1
2 50001fe150002f78 2