
1 Introduction to HP OpenView
Service Assurance for
Communication Networks
HP OpenView Service Assurance for Communication Networks
(OVSACN) is an integrated solution for managing IP devices, telecom
equipment, system information, and software applications. It is based on
the HP OpenView Operations (OVO) platform, including HP OpenView
Network Node Manager (NNM), and is designed for the communications
service provider.
OVSACN manages events from multi-vendor telecom equipment using a
variety of network transport protocols including ASCII, CMIP, SNMP,
and TL/1. OVSACN consolidates the events into problems and presents
them in a single problem report format.
OVSACN combines messages from all managed devices and applications
into one message browser. Network operators see the broad picture of the
network state and can prioritize effort based on the greatest need for the
entire network.
OVSACN consists of three purchasable products: HP OpenView
Operations (OVO), OV Telecom Extensions for OV Operations, and OV
Topology Server.
HP OpenView Operations includes the OVO GUI, the main GUI used to
manage assigned nodes, applications, messages, and services. The OVO
GUI presents the network health in graphical and tabular displays, and
shows status for the represented elements based on the severity of the
received messages.
The optional OV Topology Server displays a map of telecom devices and
displays telecom problems in the topology GUI. It receives all incoming
messages generated by equipment included in the topology and
associates each message with a particular managed object instance. The
OV Topology Server sets the status for each managed object instance
according to the statuses contained in the received messages. It also
formats all received messages into problems and displays them in a
problems presenter.