File Name: 339674-1.doc Last Saved On: 8/14/03 3:54 PM
Local Port Operation 67
To immediately activate the screen saver, press the Print Scrn key, and then
press the Pause key. This command only works when the user is connected to a
Changing the Switch Mode
You can connect to attached servers using two methods:
• Preemptive—Allows any user to select any server at any time; a request from
another user disconnects the current user without warning
• Cooperative—Maintains the current user connection; the current user will
not be disconnected if another user requests connection
Accessing the Switch Dialog Box
1. From the Main dialog box ("Accessing the Main Dialog Box" on page 41),
click Setup>Switch. The Switch dialog box is displayed.
2. Select either Preemptive or Cooperative.
3. Click OK to save settings.
Click X to exit, or press the Esc key to exit without saving settings.