A Specifications
Power Requirements
Table A-1. HP NetServer LC 2000/2000r Input Power
Input Voltage and Frequency 100-240 VAC
10%; 50/60 Hz
Maximum inrush current
8 AMPs peak (for 1 power supply) 120 VAC
or 32 AMPs peak (2 power supplies)
16 AMPs peak (for 1 power supply) 240 VAC
or 32 AMPs peak (2 power supplies)
Delayed action circuit breaker
North America: a 20 A minimum delayed action
circuit recommended for each 16 A power
distribution unit (PDU) that is connected to an HP
NetServer LC 2000/2000r.
Europe (single server in a rack): use a
16 A-minimum circuit with one IEC MCB
C-type breaker for each 16-Amp PDU.
Europe (multiple servers in a rack): use a
16-amp-minimum circuit with one IEC MCB
D-type breaker for each 16 A PDU.
NOTE Some local codes do not allow 16-amp service for a 16-amp
device. Consult a qualified electrician or local regulatory
authority before beginning electrical site preparation.
Table A-2. HP NetServer LC 2000/2000r Power Ratings
AC Input
Maximum Input
Power (VA)
Maximum Input
Power (W)
Maximum Operating
Current RMS (AMPS)
100 VAC 545 540 5.5
120 VAC 531 525 4.5
208 VAC 516 506 2.5
230/240 VAC 514 504 2.3