Chapter 10 Configuring the HP NetServer
Perform an automated NOS installation for first-time installation of
Novell NetWare/IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server on a
factory-configured NetServer. Automated NOS installation will guide
you through the NOS installation, set up the hard disk drive, and
configure your NOS with appropriate drivers for HP-bundled
This installation also loads the Local Support Tool onto Windows NT
or NetWare systems. The Local Support Tool is a stand-alone support
tool accessed directly from the NetServer. It gives you information to
help you manage the NetServer.
Automated NOS Installation: For certain versions of Novell
NetWare/IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server,
Configuration Assistant partitions and formats the hard disk drive, and
Installation Assistant guides you through the NOS installation and
configures the NOS with the appropriate drivers for the HP-bundled
◊ Select No for manual NOS installation.
Perform a manual NOS installation if
you are installing a NOS other
than certain versions of Novell NetWare/IntranetWare or Microsoft
Windows NT Server, or if you have replaced any HP components.
For Manual NOS Installation Only: Before you perform a manual NOS
installation, you must print instructions and manually create
NOS-specific driver diskettes as follows:
◊ Create Drivers Diskette(s): On the Create Drivers Diskette(s)
screen, select Create Drivers Diskette(s) to create one or more
customized diskettes containing HP drivers and configuration files
to use when you install the NOS.
◊ Print and Read Instructions: On the Show NOS Installation
Instructions screen, select Save to Disk to copy the Network
Operating System Installation Instructions to disk. Then print them
out from the disk. Read the instructions first, and then follow them
to manually install the NOS.
• View Configuration Advisories:
Read the configuration advisories and print them if necessary. You can
change your hardware at this time to conform to the advisories.