106 Chapter 2 – Service mode EN
9 Press ENTER/MENU to complete the softswitch change.
10 Press S
11 Enter B
ACKSPACE#** to exit the Extended Service menu.
If you do not complete step 11 above, the printer will exit
Extended Service mode within a few minutes.
Country code softswitch sequences
Country Code Country Code
Australia 00001011 (0B hex) Malaysia 00100000 (20 hex)
Austria 00011001 (19 hex) Mexico 00101011 (2B hex)
Belgium 00001110 (0E hex) Netherlands 00001101 (0D hex)
Canada 00101001 (29 hex) New Zealand 00001111 (0F hex)
China 00010100 (14 hex) Norway 00000101 (05 hex)
Denmark 00001100 (0C hex) Poland 00011011 (1B hex)
Eire (Ireland) 00000010 (02 hex) Russia 00011101 (1D hex)
Finland 00001000 (08 hex) Singapore 00010001 (11 hex)
France 00000111 (07 hex) Spain 00011000 (18 hex)
Germany 00000110 (06 hex) Sweden 00000100 (04 hex)
Hong Kong 00010011 (13 hex) Switzerland 00000011 (03 hex)
Hungary 00010010 (12 hex) Ukraine 00101110 (2E hex)
Israel 00010110 (16 hex) United
00000001 (01 hex)
Italy 00001010 (0A hex) United States 00000000 (00 hex)