4. You can restore the continuous update policy at any time by selecting Modify Volume Update
Policy and selecting the icon beside Enable Continuous Updates.
5. Close the Console.
Accessing recovery drive files (IRRT only)
When using IRRT, you can access the recovery drive to view the files in Windows Explorer. However,
when you access the recovery drive files, the recovery volume can not be updated until you reenable
the continuous update policy.
NOTE: When you access files on the recovery drive, the recovery drive status changes to read-only.
You can only copy files from the recovery drive to the primary drive or to other storage media.
To access the recovery drive files:
1. Select Access Recovery Drive Files in the left pane, and then click the icon beside Access
Recovery Drive Files in the right pane. A message displays that updates to the recovery volume
will be disabled.
Using Intel Matrix Storage Console IRRT features 25